Monday motherhood: the rear view mirror (or the first day of high school)

A daughter

This could just as easily be a quick, obligatory Facebook post, something like “Guess who’s starting high school?” accompanied by an adorable photo of Goldie in her bright, shiny uniform. But wait, I have a blog. Let’s draw it out some and try to answer a basic question: “How the hell did this happen?!” The principal at Goldie’s high school is slightly disabled physically and so her speech is halting, which results in keen articulation that makes you sit up and really listen. Her thoughts are … [Read more...]

Zen and super heroes

Tuesday morning, the husband and I met with the admissions director at Goldie’s school to talk about her high school options when she graduates next year.  I’m very Zen about the whole thing.  Goldie’s smart, personable, and she’ll end up where she’s meant to be.  I don’t know how we pay for any of it (with charm and good graces), but Goldie is a low-maintenance student with excellent grades, and I’m hardly the Great Santini.  This laid back approach has been a blessing and a curse in my life.  … [Read more...]