The 5th day of Christmas…coffee

On the 5th day of Christmas…coffee, my true love gave to me FIVE scoops of Christmas Blend (Starbucks) -- Holy pickled ginger!  I’m way behind on my Christmas coffee countdown.  I thought that after training my ten, eight and seven-year old girls how to dress themselves, feed themselves and use the bathroom on their own, that I was pretty much done with this parenting thing and could hole up in my woman-cave and just scribble thoughts, deep and shallow, to share with the world.  Turns out they … [Read more...]

The 4th day of Christmas…coffee (it’s sweet)

On the 4th day of Christmas…coffee, my true love gave to me FOUR coffee beans… You’re thinking espresso beans that you chew, right?  Chocolate covered? Yeah, no.  Not a fan.  I feel like a hillbilly when I eat them and they get stuck in my teeth worse than tabouli.  Minutes after chewing, I’m still finding bits and pieces hiding in the nooks and crannies of my mouth, though it does remind me fondly of my father who spent probably half his life picking tobacco confetti off of his tongue from the … [Read more...]

The 3rd day of Christmas…coffee (stay with me here)

On the 3rd day of Christmas…coffee, my true love gave to me THREE cups of French roast – I’m flying!  Had coffee this morning with my ex-fiancé I hadn’t seen in eighteen years (that’s another post), and then proceeded to consume three cups of half-caff French roast to be true to my 18 days and counting and while my feet are still firmly planted on the ground, my arms are flapping wildly with all the caffeine.  (Just look at that run-on sentence!)  It’s a wonder I can keep my fingers on the … [Read more...]

The 2nd day of Christmas…coffee

Day two.  Oh, all right.  On the second day of Christmas…coffee, my true love gave to me, TWO mugs of Wintry Blend – If you live more than an hour from the nearest Trader Joe’s, it’s time to move.  I know real estate right now is a little tricky, but I guarantee that the value of your home, and its staying power, is in direct proportion to how close the property is to a TJs.  Our neighborhood, like many in Los Angeles, was crazy three years ago.  One million dollars bought you a tear-down.  … [Read more...]

The 18 days of Christmas…coffee is as much about my addiction to coffee as anything else.  And yes, it’s an addiction.  Without my morning/afternoon/evening cup, I get headaches, okay?  Okay?!  So while I’m not proud that I can’t live without the stuff, I am proud that I ran 3 ½ miles today during a break in the rain, and in between the hot chocolate I made and drank for my article, and the gingerbread latte I slurped for these 18 days that I’ll tell you more about later.  The mileage was as much … [Read more...]